Why use The Club Starter?

This is for offline clubs. This isn't for people who want to chat on the internet. It's for people who want to meet other people to do real world things.

Creating a new club will have a process, not unlike kickstarter, where a minimum number of people would be required for your club to be founded. This means the club founders won't have do anything harder than fill out a form on this website before they get confirmation people are going to come. On meetup.com you have to commit to an event first, and then hope people will come.

We will allow sign ups on behalf of others - so this clubs can be set up for children, or cared-for adults. Or just those who don't want to understand the internet, but have a willing friend or family member who will help sign them up. Because it's offline clubs we don't need every member to the club to be a member on this site.

Once a club is "founded" everyone is informed, and the founder can go and work out where the first meeting will be held, knowing they have got some interest.

If we get somewhere, and this idea is popular then the next step is to manage the finances and membership fees that clubs may want to charge.